Since, 5 August 2021, the Chief Health Officer and Victorian Government have placed restrictions on the community to manage the outbreak of Corona virus.
Mill Park Dental Clinic is open to see patients in accordance with the instructions from the Chief Health Officer.
If you have suffered injury, pain, swelling, fracture of tooth, fracture of denture or any dental health issue which requires urgent management, please consider making an appointment to have the issue addressed.
Until lockdown restrictions are eased, we are only taking phone bookings at this stage. We are required to triage calls to ensure compliance with the Chief Health Officers instructions.
The full description of COVID-19 restrictions relating to dental practices are available on the Australian Dental Association Victorian Branch web site at
Please feel free to call Sam to discuss your dental issues asap.
Mill Park Dental Clinic 9404 2764.
Andrew and Ivonne will be available to help wherever possible.